Archive for January 31st, 2012

January 31, 2012

Together We Move

I have been receiving A LOT of questions from kind-hearted donors about why the coffee table book, “Haiti: Together We Move” is showing up on their doorstep. Five or more questions about something? Time to address it!

The book is truly incredible (and not just because I found my name in it). It was T from T and J’s idea, but his son-in-law, Tim G., took it over in his heart to bring it to life. Every person that was a part of it donated their time. World-renowned photographers. Award-winning graphic designers. Amazing stories about a hospital that was the closest to the epicenter of the 7.0 earthquake, but barely damaged. A sign? I believe it is a sign that you should donate and support this amazing cause….”helping those who have very little to give.”

Every donation of $50 or more gets a copy of this book as a “thank you” (yes, these people are that nice) and 100 percent of the proceeds go into the fund. A fund where only the interest is being used to help 5 Haitian people per month receive surgeries they would otherwise never receive. A fund where 100 percent of the people involved are donating their time, ideas, and own money to build awareness.

Want to know where the saying, “Together We Move,” comes from? Watch the following 90 second video and enjoy some bad a$$ photography:

Great Video!

Kind Hearts this week to Tim G.. Tim is married to T and J’s beautiful daughter, Summer, and is an RN at the Portland VA. As a mother to four daughters, if even ONE of my children marries anyone remotely close to this man, my husband and I will fall on our knees and maybe even start going to church. Not only is he the reason this amazing coffee table book exists, his heart is bigger than most of ours combined. He travels with T and J to Haiti to help out medically, but doesn’t stop there. He buys children uniforms out of his own pocket so they are able to attend school and visits orphanages to deliver toys and clothes.

Ironically, I was reading his Facebook page doing research for this post while my oldest was throwing herself on the floor crying because she didn’t like the brand of pizza I was serving her. Tim had just posted a photo of a bag of rice and was describing how an 11-year old boy burst into tears when he showed up with food at the orphanage. Needless to say, she was told she could go to bed hungry last night. Then she was up at 4am. I would like to point out that this is extremely unfair, and being a good mother is BEYOND challenging.

Tim was just in Haiti this past week and here are some of his Facebook photos documenting his trip.

Tim at an orphanage. Yes he looks just like my brother! Creepy!

T and J helping a little girl. CUTEST.COUPLE.EVER

15 children sleep on these 2 mattresses

I asked Terry if this was where I had to sleep and he said that's where orphans sleep. Then I went and threw up.

Orphan kitchen

Orphan Bathroom
Orphan Toilet

If you are drinking wine and watching the Bachelor tonight, give me 5 (bucks)! Don’t forget to forward your receipt to or I won’t know you donated!

Haiti:  Together We Move

If you don’t know what I am talking about reference:
 Subscribe and Give Me 5! (to your right)

A$$es for Poor, Sick, Children (and Adults)